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Privacy Policy

Our privacy, and the privacy of all visitors to tatapack.com, is important to us. Accordingly, we have a created a policy that ensures your privacy is maintained.


This policy tells you, among other things, the types of information we gather from you, how we may use or disclose that information and our efforts to protect it. Please read this policy carefully, and feel free to contact us at arden@tatapack.com if you have any questions regarding its contents.


In connection with your use of our site, we ask for and may collect a variety of information from and about you in different ways. For example, when you request information from our site, we ask for and store your and/or your business’ name, title, address, email address and other identifying contact data. In addition, we collect information about your specific requests, comments and suggestions. We may also collect the information you disclose in any of our chat rooms, discussion groups and bulletin boards, when they become available.


Use of our site might require that you accept the use of cookies, which are small data files that our Web site might send to your browser for storage on your computer’s hard drive. We may use cookies to protect confidential data, track activity at our site and better serve your needs and interests. Our Cookie Policy


We use your personally identifying information to identify you as a user of the site and to respond to your inquiries, identify market trends and formulate business plans. If you grant us permission to contact you about our products and services, we may use your email address to contact you directly regarding services or products that we believe may be of interest to you. We may also associate your personally identifying information with information we collect about your preferences and activities at the site, such as the particular pages you request at the site and purchases or other transactions you effect through or based on information on the site. We may vary the content you receive in future visits to the site based on your preferences and activities.

We may combine your personally identifying information, and information about your preferences and activities, with those of all or a particular group of our users to prepare collective profiles of our users and their activities. For example, we may track the number of our users who view certain pages or use certain features or compile the total dollar amount of sales conducted through or based on our site in a particular geographic region. Such information, and other information we derive from individual users’ information, allows us to continue to grow and provide you with quality fellow users through more accurate marketing and advertising of our Web site. We store any personal information indefinitely but only if we are in communication via telephone, email or letters. Any information stored by us with a company that we no longer do business with or hasn’t contacted us within a 12month period. Will be deleted from all our databases.


Finally, we may disclose information to fulfil certain legal and regulatory requirements or if we believe, in good faith, that such disclosure is legally required or necessary to protect others’ rights or to prevent harm.


Please click on our recruitment privacy policy statement to view the information we collect. If you need any further help please contact us on this email address; recruitment@tatapack.com


We will request your permission to send your personally identifying information to others, and if you do not grant such permission we will restrict the use of your information to maintaining your use of the site.

In addition, we will not send unsolicited messages to users of our site who do not indicate that they wish to receive such messages.


At any time after you have logged on to our site, you may contact us at arden@tatapack.com to request access to information we have collected regarding you or your business or to notify us of changes to such information. If you request any such changes, we will contact you by email or fax to confirm those changes. Once confirmed, any new item of information will replace the corresponding information previously provided.

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